
Angelo Savelli + Clarice Lispector

Angelo Savelli
„Maarja kuulutus“

Otsisin internetist üles itaalia kunstniku Angelo Savelli pildi, millest nii kaunilt kirjutas brasiilia kirjanik Clarice Lispector oma "Valitud veergudes". Lugesin seda lühipala inglise keeles ja panen siiagi niimoodi.
Clarice Lispector

At home I have a painting by the Italian artist Savelli. I valued it all the more when I learned that he had been commissioned to design the stained-glass windows in the Vatican.
However much I study the painting, I never grow tired of it. On the contrary, I always find something new to admire.
In the painting, the Virgin Mary is seated beside a window and it is clear from her swollen belly that she is pregnant. The archangel at her side is watching her. And the Virgin, as if overwhelmed by the archangel’s message, prophesying her destiny and that of future generations, raises her hand to her throat with surprise and anguish.
The angel, who has entered by the window is almost human: but those long wings remind us that angels can move from one place to another without touching the ground. Those wings are quite human: they appear to be made of flesh and the angel’s face is that of a man.
This is the most exquisite and harrowing truth the world has to offer.
All human beings experience annunciation. With pregnant souls we raise our hands to our throats with surprise and anguish. As if each of us had learned at a given moment in life that we have a mission to fulfil.
That mission is by no means easy: each of us is responsible for the entire world.
/Clarice Lispector  „Selected Crônicas“. Essays. New Directions. 1996./
* Angelo Savelli (30. okt 1911 – 27. aprill 1995) oli itaalia kunstnik. Eriti meeldis talle oma töödes kujutada ja kasutada valge värvi mitmesuguseid varjundeid. Töötanud põhiliselt Itaalias, suundus ta 1948. a Pariisi ja 1953. a pärast abiellumist ameerika ajakirjanikuga New York Citysse. Ameerikas oli tal palju näitusi ja tema töö pälvis suure tunnustuse. 1995. a pöördus ta tagasi Itaaliasse, kuid juba kuu aega hiljem tundis end halvasti ja suri.

Pilt internetist.

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