
Akna taga...

Õhtud on järjest pimedamad. Tasapisi võib hakata Sulekesse taas jõulupostkaarte panema. Seekord lisan neile aknatagustele inglitele saatesõnaks briti näitleja ja poeedi Stephen Fry tuntud ütluse parafraasi:

"Kui saadate ära mu deemonid, lahkuvad ka mu inglid."

"... Fry was commenting on his bipolar disorder. Byrne asks, "You say for all the pain that depression causes you, you wouldn't want rid of it because of the places it takes you, in terms of creative highs." Fry agrees and quotes W.O. Jordan who said, "Don't take away my devils because you'll take away my angels, too." He then tells Byrne how he can lead a high functioning, successful life that is fulfilling even with a mental illness."

Postkaart (Soome, 1995) minu kogust. / Postcard from my collection.

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